Outreach by poster

  • Cherry G Mathew on 25 Oct

Hackbeach posters on the KeK gateway.


We've recently been working hard on the https://www.hackbeach.in project and we made the first posters which are now stuck on the outside of the KeK compound. This is great because the street on which our gate is used by the entire community which lives behind us just around the corner. This got me thinking about the challenge we are facing with outreach. On the one hand, the people we met when we went around to say hi in the neighbourhood were very keen on interacting with us. On the other hand, they are extremely shy to come into our compound - a sort of bizarre class barrier due to the vastness and imposing (to them) nature of our space. Yet every time they pass by, they are curious and look up at our space. They try to figure out what's going on, who's new here, etc. etc.

I thought that a great way to engage this curiousity to get them to understand what we do here, is to display samples of our work on the gate. Since we're doing what's called the "Joule thief" circuit for saturday electronics lessons, I'm thinking of leaving a live circuit on the gate for display with some writing in our local Malayalam language, so they get curious.

How about you ? Do you have an interesting circuit or idea or even code that you would like to leave on our gate ? If so visit us and have a go!